A Valentine Too Big For One Day

Everyday living-- all that we do day in and day out, moment to moment-- informs the entirety of our life. Much more than graduations, births, and other grand events, everyday living comprises what we see when we look over our shoulder, wondering where we came from, what we're made of, and who we are.

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jennifer durand
How Can This Be?

How can it be that the sweet stars, twinkling off and on during these brilliantly chilled nights; and the sun rising slowly in the morning, slow to cast warmth, slow to let go of the east; how can it be that the ocean waves, the sea foam blowing across the sand in that way that it does; and the light breeze and the green brown trees; how can it be that these things are not enough?

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jennifer durand
Holiday Mantra

My family tends to get along pretty well. We're just weird that way. But no family meal is without its little tensions and near the end of every holiday dinner, when I'm feeling like okay, it's been a long afternoon and evening, but I'm really doing pretty darned well, there comes a moment that I had forgotten I dread until it is upon me.

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jennifer durand